Where Have the Magazines & Waiting Rooms Gone?
June 6, 2020
There have been many changes to your life over the last several weeks as we all work together to curve the coronavirus pandemic. Life looks a bit different as everyone wears face masks and keeps their distance; however, those aren’t the only changes. Your dental office has removed magazines and some chairs. In some cases, they may have even eliminated their waiting room altogether. They aren’t taking them out to make you uncomfortable. Instead, they are doing their part to keep patients and the community safe. Here’s what they are doing to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Reducing Surfaces to Prevent Cross-Contamination
Although there’s much to learn about coronavirus, there have been 2 studies performed to determine how long the virus can live on various surfaces. Both studies evaluated surfaces where the virus had been applied and incubated at room temperature. Researchers collected samples from them at various time intervals. They found it can live on certain surfaces for up to 7 days.
While dental offices are already some of the cleanest places, they’ve revamped their safety protocols and stepped up their cleaning and disinfecting routines. Unfortunately, it’s impossible for them to clean everywhere between each patient without reducing the number of commonly touched surfaces in the office, like chairs, magazines, or toys. As a result, your dentist has removed them from their office to give the dental team more time to focus on cleaning other important surfaces, like equipment, instruments, clinical areas, and even doorknobs. This significantly reduces the risk of cross-contamination in the office to keep patients and staff healthy.
Establishing Virtual Waiting Rooms
Your dentist has created a virtual waiting room for several reasons, such as to promote social distancing and to reduce harmful pathogens in the office. After arriving, you’ll call the front desk from the parking lot. Their “Safety Champion” will ask you a few questions about how you’re feeling before escorting you back to the clinical area.
Rest assured, the dental team has taken the time to clean and disinfect commonly touched areas in the office and non-disposable equipment and instruments. Your dentist and their staff will also be wearing personal protective equipment, like gloves, masks, and face shields to create a protective barrier to keep you safe. Your dental team has undergone advanced training in awareness and prevention to ensure the office is the cleanest place you will visit all day.
Choose a Higher Standard of Care
As the country reopens and you’re able to see your dentist again, you shouldn’t need to worry about your safety. You can feel at ease knowing your health and wellness are a top concern, which is why your dental team is going the extra mile to combat COVID-19.
About The DFW Dental Implant Center
The DFW Dental Implant Center is committed to keeping our patients healthy amid the coronavirus pandemic. We’ve updated our safety standards to reduce the spread of the virus, like implementing a virtual waiting room. If you have any questions about our safety protocols, or you need to schedule an appointment, contact our office today.
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