5 Things NOT to Do After Dental Implant Surgery
February 4, 2022

Are there noticeable gaps in your smile? Dental implants are quickly becoming the most popular way to restore missing teeth. However, if you’re set for dental implant surgery in the coming weeks, there are a few things you should know. Certain actions and behaviors can reduce the probability that your implants will successfully fuse with the surrounding jawbone. Keep reading to discover the five things you should NOT do following dental implant surgery.
#1: Intense Exercise
Definitely do NOT try to hit the gym immediately after getting dental implants. Intense physical activity can increase blood flow to the implant site and lead to bleeding. Instead, take it easy for two to three days after surgery and avoid strenuous exercise. Your dentist will let you know when it’s safe to start working out again.
#2: Drinking with a Straw
Drinking out of a straw creates suction in the mouth, which can dislodge the blood clot that forms over the surgery site. Losing this protective blood clot can lead to a painful condition known as dry socket. In addition to avoiding straws, opt for milk or water over carbonated beverages, as the carbonation could irritate the gum tissue around your new implants.
#3: Excessive Rinsing
Avoid vigorously rinsing your mouth for at least two days after getting dental implants. Excessive rinsing can disturb the implant site and cause bleeding. When cleaning your teeth, it is ok to very gently swish mouthwash. However, instead of spitting out the mouthwash, just let it drop or flow out of your mouth and into the sink.
#4: Hard or Hot Foods
Give your mouth a break by sticking to a soft food diet for the first few days after dental implant surgery. Foods like scrambled eggs, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and soup are all examples of items that are safe to eat. In addition, be sure to chew on the opposite side of your mouth from your implant. Finally, avoid eating hard or hot foods, as they can negatively affect the healing process.
#5: Smoking
While smoking will not prevent you from getting dental implants, it does increase the risk of implant failure. Any type of tobacco use (smoking, chewing, or vaping) can reduce blood flow to your mouth and disrupt the implant healing process. Smoking can also dislodge the blood clot that forms at the surgery site and cause dry socket. Getting dental implants is an ideal moment to finally kick the habit. If you must smoke, it is generally recommended to wait at least two or three months after dental implant surgery.
Replacing missing teeth with dental implants will improve your dental function, enhance your appearance, and boost your overall quality of life. Just follow the tips above about what NOT to do after your surgery to increase your chances of dental implant success.
About the Author
Dr. Steven Branberg has over a decade of experience rebuilding patients’ smiles with dental implants. He received his Certificate of Prosthodontics from the University of Southern California School of Dentistry and has the skills and knowledge to perform start-to-finish implant treatment. For more dental implant surgery aftercare tips, visit The DFW Dental Implant Center website or call 817-440-7133.
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